Sainik School Application Form
Sainik School Application form: Steps to fill AISSEE Application Form Online. Checklist of Required Documents. Important Dates and Links for AISSEE Exam.

क्या आपके बच्चे की Age Sainik School के लिए सही है ? यहाँ Check करें
Instructions for Sainik School Application Form
- A candidate can apply for AISSEE, online only from the official AISSEE website. There is no facility for offline sainik school application form.
- Students must read the Information Bulletin carefully and ensure that they fulfill the eligibility requirements for AISSEE before applying.
- Tentative list of vacancies in the various Sainik Schools is availabe in Information bulletin. Even though vacancies may not be available in a specific category, vacancies may arise subsequently due to withdrawal of cadets on various grounds.
- In case no vacancy is available in a specified category, the candidates are considered for admission in General category. Thus, registration is accepted for all the categories irrespective of school, domicile and category.
- Students should Keep all required documents for sainik school application form such as scanned documents of photographs, signature, left hand thumb impression, birth certificate issued by the Municipal Committee/Board/Corporation or Registrar of Births and Death, school certificate, domicile certificate, caste certificates, service certificate as applicable, ID proof, credit/debit card for making payments, mobile phones for getting OTPs, etc before applying online so that the relevant document can be promptly uploaded.
Step 1: Open the AISSEE Registration Page
- Required Fields: Candidate’s Name/Mother’s Name/Father’s Name as in the school records.
- Date of Birth in dd/mm/yyyy format as recorded in date of birth certificate/school records.
- Identification Type: Candidates need to provide any one of the following identity details: School ID card or PAN Card or Aadhaar Number (last 4 digits), or Passport Number or any other Photo Identity Card issued by Government.
- Mobile Number and e-mail Address: Candidates must provide Mobile Number and email address (their own or that of their parents). The Mobile Number and email will be verified through One Time Password (OTP) prior to creation of online credential.
- Complete postal address with PIN Code (Correspondence and Permanent address) for further correspondence.
Step 2: Fill the Complete Sainik School Application Form
- The application particulars entered in Step-1 can be edited before final submission of the Sainik School Application Form except Mobile No. and Email address, which cannot be changed after payment.
- Other Backward Classes-Non Creamy Layer will be as per the central list of Other Backward Classes available on National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC), Government of India website , as on the first day of the month in which registration commences. Only the candidates falling in this list may mention OBC in the Category Column.
- State/UT list OBC candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must choose “General”.
Choice of Sainik School Exam Centres
- The candidate should select any four cities of their choice for All-India Sainik School Entrance Exam. This list is provided in the Information Bulletin.
- There is no linkage between the exam city opted by a candidate and the Sainik School opted by him. In other words, if a candidate opts for, say, Sainik School Kodagu, it is not necessary that he should select an exam city in the State of Karnataka.
- He is free to select any four cities of his choice given in information bulletin, as his exam city, whether located in Karnataka or otherwise. There is no restriction in the choice of exam cities.
- Allotment of Centre is made by computer and there is no human intervention. Choices once exercised will not be changed under any circumstances.
- Candidates are advised to verify the correctness of the information provided by them by pre-viewing the online Sainik School Application form before payment. If required, candidates may edit their aissee application form before submission.
- Only one application should be submitted by a candidate. Once finally submitted, details filled in certain specific fields may be changed only during correction window. After that no communication in this regard is entertained.
- Registration is treated as complete only if the fee has been transacted successfully, else the form is cancelled.
- Candidates are not required to send/ submit hard copy of Confirmation Page to NTA office. However, the candidates are advised to retain the hard copy of the Confirmation Page and proof of fee submitted for future need.
- Candidates must note that mere deduction of fee from the bank account is not a proof of fee payment. The payment should be supported by updated fee and generation of Confirmation Page which is the proof of successful submission of AISSEE Application Form.
Uploading Candidate’s Photograph
- Passport size Photograph (size: 10kb to 200kb) in JPG format.
- The photographs must be taken recently (within a year) preferably indicating clearly the name of candidate along with the date of taking the photograph.
- Photograph should not be with cap or goggles. The focus needs to be on face (80% face coverage, ears clearly visible, on white background) Spectacles are allowed only if being used regularly.
- Polaroid and Computer-generated photos are not acceptable.
- Applications not complying with these instructions or with unclear photographs are liable to be rejected.
- Application without photographs shall be rejected.
- The photographs need not be attested.
- Candidates are advised to keep 6 to 8 passport size and colour photographs with white background.
- Candidates may note that if the photographs uploaded are found to be fabricated or defaced or seem to be hand-made or computer made etc, the AISSEE application of the Candidate are rejected and the same isl be considered as using Unfair Means (UFM) and the candidate would be dealt with accordingly.
- In case someone else’s or unrelated photographs have been uploaded, the candidature is cancelled and the case is considered as using UFM. Criminal action as per laws of the country is also initiated.
Uploading of Signature of Candidate
- The candidate should put his/her full signature in running hand writing not in capital letter on white paper with Black Ink pen and scan for uploading.
- File size must be between 4kb to 30kb in JPG format.
- Online AISSEE Application Forms without uploaded signatures are rejected.
- In case someone else’s signature has been uploaded, the candidature shall be cancelled and the case will be considered as using UFM. Criminal action as per laws of the country shall also be initiated.
Uploading of Thumb Impression
- A candidate should affix his/her left-hand thumb impression on white paper with Blue Ink and scan for uploading.
- File size must be between 10kb and 50kb in JPG format.
- Further, unclear left hand thumb impression in online AISSEE application forms are also be rejected.
- Candidate must ensure that the uploaded images are clear and proper.
Uploading of Other Certificates
- Domicile certificate: The candidate should scan his/her domicile certificate, caste certificate or service certificate as applicable and the date of birth certificate for uploading. File size must be between 50kb to 300kb in PDF format.
- If domicile certificate of the candidate is not available, the domicile certificate of the parent may be uploaded in the relevant field. Proof of domicile of successful candidates are to be furnished during admission in Sainik School.
- The residence/domicile certificate is to be issued by the concerned authority of State Government/Union Territory certifying that the person bearing the certificate is a domicile/resident of State/Union Territory to whom the certificate is being issued.
- Category certificate is to be uploaded, if applicable.
- Those studying in approved New Sainik school are required to upload a certificate from their School where they are currently studying, in the format as contained in Information Bulletin.
Step 3: Fee Payment for Sainik School Application Form
- After completing Step 2 of online Sainik School Application Form, candidates have to remit the examination fee.
- Select Debit/Credit Card/Net-banking/UPI- Mode of Payment and Service Provider (Service/Processing charges per transaction & GST (as applicable) to be paid by the candidate) and complete the steps as instructed.
- Print the Confirmation Page after completion of Step 3 i.e. payment through Debit/Credit card/ Net banking/UPI through State Bank of India as service provider.
- If candidate fails to complete all the steps upto Step 3, the final submission of Online Application will remain incomplete and unsuccessful.
- Generation of Confirmation Page confirms final submission of Application Form. If Confirmation Page has not been generated, this means that Application Form has not been submitted successfully.
- Incase, the fee payment status is not ‘OK’ the candidates are advised as follows:
- If the fee is paid through credit/debit card and status is not OK, it means the transaction is cancelled. Therefore, such candidates have to pay the fee once again and ensure the OK fee status.
- For cancelled transactions, the amount will, automatically, be refunded to concerned credit/debit card after the last date of online submission of Application Form or the process of Fee Reconciliation.
- A candidate can make changes in his/her application form in prescribed time and during correction window. Thereafter, no change is allowed.
Checklist for filling Online AISSEE Application Form
The candidates are advised to ensure the following points before submitting the Online Application Forms:
- Whether they fulfill the prescribed eligibility conditions for the exam.
- That they have furnished the correct name, address and date of birth.
- That they have furnished the correct domicile State/ UT.
- That they have selected their gender viz. Male/Female correctly.
- That they have selected their category viz SC/ ST/ OBC-NCL (Non-Creamy Layer)/Defence/General correctly.
- That they have selected the school, class and the exam city correctly.
- Whether they have kept a Printout of AISSEE Application Form (Confirmation Page) for their own record.
- The requisite documents (including original) and candidature are verified at various stages of the exam process against the details provided by the candidates during the online sainik school application form.
- The candidature is liable to be rejected if the candidate fails to produce the requisite documents or if the candidate is not able to furnish the requisite documents which corroborates with the details given in the online sainik school application form.
- Candidates are advised to maintain secrecy regarding their application number and password so as to prevent change of profile or data filled by them by other unauthorized persons.
Query Redressal System for AISSEE
- National Testing Agency (NTA) has established a Query Redressal System (QRS), an online web-enabled system developed by NTA.
- QRS is the platform based on web technology which primarily aims to enable submission of queries/grievances by the Registered Candidate(s) of AISSEE Examination with (24×7) facility for speedy and favorable redressal of the queries/grievances.
- A Unique Registration Number is generated for tracking the status of the queries/grievances.
- The Registered Candidate(s) are advised to use the online facility for speedy and favorable response before mailing their queries on the official email ID of NTA i.e.
Common Service Centre Facility
- Candidates who are not conversant and are facing difficulties in the online sainik school application form due to various constraints, can use the services of Common Services Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India under the Digital India initiatives of Hon’ble Prime Minister.
- The Common Services Centre (CSC) scheme is a part of the ambitious National e- Governance Plan (NeGP) of Government of India and is managed at each village panchayat level by a Village level Entrepreneur (VLE).
- There are more than 1.5 lakhs Common Services Centres (CSC) across the country which will provide the desired support to candidates from urban as well as rural areas in online submission of sainik school application form and payment of fee through e-wallet. The list of the Common Services Centre is available on website.