Sainik School Syllabus for Class 6 and 9
Maths, GK, Intelligence and Language is common in Sainik School Syllabus for Class 6 and 9. Only Social Science is added for Class 9. Total Marks for Class 6 is 300 (125Q 150min) and 400 (150Q 180min) for Class 9.

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Exam pattern for All India Sainik School Entrance Exam (AISSEE)
- Mode of Examination: Paper pencil on OMR answer sheets for admission to both Class 6 and Class 9.
- Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).
- There is no negative mark for a wrong response.
- Result of AISSEE is published within 6 weeks of the exam.
Subject & Marks for Class 6 AISSEE Exam
Subject | No of Ques | Each Correct Ans | Total Marks |
Lanuage | 25 | 2 marks | 50 |
Mathematics | 50 | 3 marks | 150 |
Intelligence | 25 | 2 marks | 50 |
General Knowledge | 25 | 2 marks | 50 |
Total | 125 | 300 |
Subject & Marks for Class 9 AISSEE Exam
Subject | No of Ques | Each Correct Ans | Total Marks |
Mathematics | 50 | 4 marks | 200 |
Intelligence | 25 | 2 marks | 50 |
English | 25 | 2 marks | 50 |
General Science | 25 | 2 marks | 50 |
Social Science | 25 | 2 marks | 50 |
Total | 150 | 400 |
Duration of Sainik School Exam (AISSEE) for Class 6 and 9
Class | Duration |
Class 6 | 150 minutes or 2hr30min |
Class 9 | 180 minutes or 3hrs |
Exam Centre | On Admit Card |
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 6
Sainik School Society and National Testing Agency releases the official syllabus every year 4 to 5 months before AISSEE Exam. The syllabus for AISSEE is published in Information Bulletin every year. Sainik School Syllabus has remain unchanged for the last 5 years.
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 6 Maths

- Total number of questions: 50
- Each question: 3 marks
- Total mark: 150
- Mathematics carries the highest weightage (50%) of marks among the 4 subjects.
SL | Topic |
1 | Natural Numbers |
2 | LCM and HCF |
3 | Unitary Method |
4 | Fractions |
5 | Ratio and Proportion |
6 | Profit and Loss |
7 | Simplification |
8 | Average |
9 | Percentage |
10 | Area and Perimeter |
11 | Simple Interest |
12 | Lines and Angles |
13 | Complementary and Supplementary Angles |
14 | Conversion of Units |
15 | Roman Numerals |
16 | Types of Angles |
17 | Circle |
18 | Volume of Cube and Cuboids |
19 | Prime and Composite Numbers |
20 | Plane Figures |
21 | Decimal Numbers |
22 | Speed and Time |
23 | Operation on Numbers |
24 | Temperature |
25 | Arranging of Fractions |
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 6 English

- Total number of questions in English: 25
- Each question of English: 2 marks
- Total mark in English: 50
- In English there are 25 topics listed below. They are form NCERT and CBSE class 5 standard.
SL | Topic |
1 | Comprehension Passage |
2 | Preposition |
3 | Article |
4 | Vocabulary |
5 | Verbs and Type |
6 | Confusing Words |
7 | Question Tags |
8 | Types of sentence |
9 | Tense forms |
10 | Kinds of Nouns |
11 | Kinds of Pronouns |
12 | Correct Spelling |
13 | Ordering of words in sentence |
14 | Sentence Formation |
15 | Antonyms |
16 | Synonyms |
17 | Adjectives |
18 | Interjection |
19 | Idioms and Phrases |
20 | Collective Nouns |
21 | Number |
22 | Gender |
23 | Adverbs |
24 | Rhyming Words |
25 | Singular/Plural |
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 6 General Knowledge

- Total number of questions in GK: 25
- Each question of GK: 2 marks
- Total marks of GK: 50
- In GK there are 28 topics listed below.
SL | Topic |
1 | Different Types of Scientific Devices Used in Daily Life. |
2 | Icons and Symbols of India: National Insignia, National Emblem, Sports, Animal etc. (Elementary awareness of Such symbols) |
3 | Major Religions of India (Elementary awareness about founder, place of origin, Religious books and important ideas) |
4 | Art and Culture (Music, Classical and Folk Dance); Renowned Personalities,Instrumental and Vocal Music, Major Dance Forms |
5 | Defence (Equivalent Ranks in three services, Weapons, Aircraft, Missiles & Warships (Elementary awareness) |
6 | Sports and Games (India & World). Renowned personalities, major competitions and trophies associated With various games. |
7 | Super Senses (How do plants and Animals sense their surroundings) Relationship between Animals and Human Beings |
8 | Relationship between Animals and Human Beings |
9 | Taste and Digestion (Basic concepts) |
10 | Cooking and Preserving Techniques |
11 | Germination and Seed Dispersal |
12 | Traditional Water Harvesting Techniques |
13 | Experiment with Water on Everyday Life |
14 | Water Pollution and Microbial Diseases |
15 | Concepts on Mountain Terrain and Lifestyle |
16 | Historical Monuments |
17 | Shape of Earth and Gravitation (Basic concepts) |
18 | Non-Renewable Energy Sources (Fossil Fuels) |
19 | Food, Culture, Habitat, Languages etc of various regions (Basic concepts) |
20 | Names of young ones of different animals |
21 | Functions of Body Parts of Plants and Animals |
22 | International Organizations: Basic knowledge about structure. |
23 | Functioning and objectives of United Nations, World Bank etc. |
24 | Indian Literary and Cultural Personalities:Names and fields of achievements |
25 | Indian Literary and Cultural Awards. (Names of the award sand recent recipients) |
26 | Natural Calamities (Flood and Earthquake) |
27 | Evaporation, Condensation and Water Cycle (Basic concepts) |
28 | Life of Farmers (Farming techniques) |
29 | Tribal Communities and Forest Produce |
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 6 Intelligence
- Total number of questions in Intelligence: 25
- Each question of Intelligence: 2 marks
- Total marks of Intelligence: 50
- Questions on Intelligence will be based on analogies (mathematical & verbal), pattern (spatial and mathematical), classification, visual, logical, reasoning etc.
- No official topic has been provided for Sainik School Intelligence Syllabus for Class 6.
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 9
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 9 Mathematics

SL | Topic |
1 | Rational Numbers |
2 | Linear Equations in One Variable |
3 | Understanding Quadrilaterals |
4 | Data Handling (Bar Graph and Line Graph) |
5 | Squares and Square Roots |
6 | Cubes and Cube Roots |
7 | Comparing Quantities (Percentage, Profit and Loss) |
8 | Algebraic Expressions and Identities |
9 | Area and Perimeters |
10 | Volumes and Surface Areas |
11 | Exponents and Powers |
12 | Playing with Numbers |
13 | Visualizing Solid Shapes |
14 | Triangles (Pythagoras Theorem) |
15 | Euler’s Formula |
16 | Average, Median, Mode |
17 | Probability |
18 | Pie Chart |
19 | Direct & Inverse Proportions |
20 | Factorizations |
21 | Introduction to Graph |
22 | Unitary Method |
23 | Divisibility Exam |
24 | Triangles (Angle Sum Property) |
25 | Parallel Lines |
26 | Simple Interestand Compound Interest |
27 | Time and Work |
28 | Area and Perimeter of Circles |
29 | Algebraic Expression (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) |
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 9 English

SL | Topic |
1 | Spotting Errors |
2 | Comprehension Passage |
3 | Antonyms |
4 | Synonyms |
5 | Prepositions |
6 | Articles |
7 | Types of Verbs |
8 | Tense Form |
9 | Narration |
10 | Voices |
11 | Modals |
12 | Confusing Words |
13 | Subject-Verb Agreement |
14 | Correct Spellings |
15 | Order of words in a sentence |
16 | Idioms and Phrases |
17 | Sentence Improvement |
18 | Change of sentence as directed |
19 | Sentence Formation |
20 | Types of Sentences |
21 | Phrase and Clauses |
22 | Kinds of Noun |
23 | Adjectives |
24 | Interjection |
25 | Question Tags |
26 | Adverbs |
27 | Conjunctions |
28 | Conditions |
29 | Comparison of Adjectives |
30 | Personal Pronoun |
31 | Change of Gender |
32 | Change of Number |
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 9 General Science

SL | Topic |
1 | Fossil Fuel: Coal and Petroleum |
2 | Combustion and Flame |
3 | Cell Structure and Function |
4 | Reproduction in Plants And Animals |
5 | Force, Friction and Pressure |
6 | Sound and its basics |
7 | Reflection and Dispersion of Light |
8 | Metals and Non Metals |
9 | Synthetic Fibers and Plastics |
10 | Chemical Effects of Electric Current |
11 | Stars and Solar Systems |
12 | Pollution of Air and Water |
13 | Global Warming |
14 | Micro-Organisms |
15 | Some Natural Phenomenon |
16 | How to find calorific value of fuel? |
17 | Electroplating and Artificial Jewellery |
18 | Relation between types of friction. |
19 | Cropping Seasons |
20 | Agricultural Practices |
21 | Conservation of Plants and Animals |
22 | Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and Sanctuaries |
23 | Reaching the age of Adolescence |
24 | Changes during Puberty |
25 | Endocrine Glands and Hormones |
Sainik School Syllabus for Class 9 Social Science

SL | Topic |
1 | Revolt of 1857 |
2 | Freedom Fighters |
3 | Important Freedom Movements |
4 | Social and Caste Reforms |
5 | Resources and sustainable development |
6 | Rock cycle of water cycle |
7 | Pressure and Wind System |
8 | Land Soil and Water Resources |
9 | Minerals and Power Resources |
10 | Indian Constitution and Secularism |
11 | Importance of Parliament |
12 | Types of Agriculture |
13 | Types of Government and Different tiers of Government |
14 | Understanding Markets |
15 | Elections |
16 | Role of Government in Health |
17 | Delhi Sultanate |
18 | Mughals |
19 | Bhakti and Sufi Movement |
20 | Interior of Earth |
21 | Climate Change |
22 | Earthquakes and Major Land Forms |
23 | Types of Rainfall |
24 | Major Grasslands |
25 | Types of Forests |
26 | Means of Transport |
27 | Communication |
28 | Life in deserts |
29 | Panchayat System |
30 | Local Self Government |
31 | Law and Social Justice. |
32 | Judiciary and Criminal Justice System |
33 | Marginalisation |
34 | Public Facilities |
35 | Natural Vegetation and Wildlife |
36 | Industries |
37 | Human Resources |
38 | Changes in the Arts |