Ear to Ear Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions
Ear to Ear Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

Ear to Ear – Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

Explore the solutions for “Ear to Ear,” Class 4 EVS NCERT. This fascinating chapter teaches us about different animals and their unique features. We learn about various types of ears, skin patterns, and how animals reproduce. The chapter helps develop observation skills and sensitivity towards animals while understanding their distinctive characteristics.

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Chapter Summary (English)

The chapter “Ear to Ear” explores various animal characteristics, focusing on their ears and skin patterns. It teaches us that different animals have different types of ears – some visible, others hidden. The chapter explains how some animals have visible ears with hair on their bodies and give birth to babies, while others have hidden ears, no hair, and lay eggs. It also covers topics like animal skin patterns, pet care, and includes interesting activities about dinosaurs and our national animal.

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अध्याय सारांश (Hindi)

अध्याय “कान से कान” विभिन्न जानवरों की विशेषताओं का अध्ययन करता है, विशेष रूप से उनके कान और त्वचा के पैटर्न पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है। यह हमें सिखाता है कि विभिन्न जानवरों के अलग-अलग प्रकार के कान होते हैं – कुछ दिखाई देते हैं, कुछ छिपे होते हैं। अध्याय बताता है कि कुछ जानवरों के दिखाई देने वाले कान होते हैं, उनके शरीर पर बाल होते हैं और वे बच्चों को जन्म देते हैं, जबकि अन्य के छिपे हुए कान होते हैं, बाल नहीं होते और वे अंडे देते हैं। इसमें जानवरों की त्वचा के पैटर्न, पालतू जानवरों की देखभाल और डायनासोर और हमारे राष्ट्रीय पशु के बारे में रोचक गतिविधियां भी शामिल हैं।

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Word Meanings

Important Words from Chapter: Ear to Ear
Sl English Word Hindi Meaning English Meaning
1 Pattern नमूना A repeated decorative design
2 Observe निरीक्षण करना To watch carefully
3 Feathers पंख The plumage that covers a bird
4 Habitat प्राकृतिक वास Natural home of an animal
5 Dinosaur डायनासोर Extinct prehistoric reptile
6 National राष्ट्रीय Relating to a nation
7 Visible दृश्यमान Able to be seen
8 Reproduction प्रजनन Production of offspring
9 Characteristic विशेषता A typical or distinctive feature
10 Recognition पहचान Identification of someone or something
11 Extinct विलुप्त No longer existing
12 Resembles समान दिखना Looks like something else
13 Sensitive संवेदनशील Quick to respond to something
14 Decline गिरावट Gradual decrease
15 Conservation संरक्षण Protection of nature
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Exercise Solutions

1. Who has got my ears?

The artist has drawn wrong ears on the animals. Here are the correct matches:

  • Elephant should have large, fan-like ears
  • Rabbit should have long, upright ears
  • Mouse should have small, round ears
  • Giraffe should have short, rounded ears
  • Dog should have pointed, triangular ears
  • Buffalo should have medium-sized, broad ears
  • Deer should have medium-sized, pointed ears

2. Different animals have different kinds of ears. Categorize the following animals based on visible and non-visible ears:

Animals whose ears we can see:

  • Deer
  • Tiger
  • Pig
  • Buffalo
  • Elephant
  • Cat
  • Giraffe

Animals whose ears we cannot see:

  • Frog
  • Fish
  • Ant
  • Crow
  • Sparrow
  • Duck
  • Snake
  • Lizard

3. Looking at the picture of birds and frog, can you see their ears?

No, I cannot see their ears directly. Birds have tiny holes on both sides of their heads that are usually covered with feathers. These holes function as ears. Similarly, frogs have external eardrums called tympanum on either side of their head that help them hear.

4. Read and Write – Identify animals with different ear characteristics:

Here are the animals based on their ear characteristics:

  • Animal with ears like fans: Elephant
  • Animal with ears like leaves: Rabbit
  • Animal with ears on the top of its head: Cat
  • Animal with ears on both sides of its head: Dog

5. Match the animals with their skin patterns and explain why animals have patterns:

Animals have unique patterns due to the hair on their skin. These patterns help in:

  • Camouflage to hide from predators
  • Temperature regulation
  • Species recognition
  • Protection from the sun

6. Answer questions about pets (As a student with a pet dog named Bruno):

Which animal is it?
My pet is a dog.

What is its name?
His name is Bruno.

Who gave it this name?
My father named him Bruno because he has beautiful brown fur.

What does it like to eat?
Bruno loves to eat dog food, milk, and sometimes chicken. He also enjoys biscuits as treats.

How many times a day is it given food?
Bruno eats three times a day – morning, afternoon, and evening.

When does it sleep? For how long?
Bruno usually sleeps at night for about 8 hours and takes short naps during the day.

Is there any special way to look after this animal?
Yes, Bruno needs regular grooming, daily walks, and lots of love and attention. We also take him to the vet for regular checkups and vaccinations.

Does it get angry? When? How do you know it is angry?
Yes, Bruno sometimes gets angry when strangers come too close to our house or when other dogs try to fight with him. We know he’s angry when he barks loudly, shows his teeth, and his tail becomes stiff.

7. Additional questions about the pet:

Does it have hair or feathers on its skin?
Bruno has hair all over his body.

Can you see its ears?
Yes, Bruno has visible, pointed ears that stand up when he’s alert.

Is it a baby or a young animal or a full-grown animal?
Bruno is a full-grown dog, 4 years old.

Will this pet animal lay eggs or give birth to babies?
Dogs give birth to babies (puppies). They don’t lay eggs.

Does it have young ones?
No, Bruno doesn’t have puppies as he’s a male dog.

8. Questions about our National Animal:

Look at this animal. Write its name.
This is a Tiger (Panthera tigris).

Where does it live?
Tigers live in various habitats across India, including:

  • Dense forests
  • Mangrove swamps
  • Grasslands
  • Protected national parks and tiger reserves

Why are tiger numbers declining in India?
Tiger numbers are declining due to several reasons:

  • Loss of natural habitat due to deforestation
  • Human-wildlife conflict
  • Illegal poaching for their skin and body parts
  • Decrease in prey animals
  • Climate change affecting their habitat

9. Find out some animals that look like dinosaurs:

Some modern animals that share features with dinosaurs include:

  • Komodo Dragon – large reptile with scaly skin
  • Crocodiles – ancient reptiles with similar body structure
  • Iguanas – have spines along their backs
  • Monitor Lizards – large reptiles with long necks
  • Rhinoceros – large, tough-skinned animals

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