Changing Families Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

Changing Families – Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

Explore the solutions for Changing Families, Class 4 EVS NCERT. This chapter teaches us about how families change over time through various life events like births, marriages, relocations, and more. We learn that change is a natural part of life and helps us grow as individuals and families. The chapter encourages children to understand and adapt to family changes positively.

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Chapter Summary (English)

The chapter “Changing Families” explores various ways in which families transform over time. Through three different stories – Nimmi’s family welcoming a new baby, Tsering’s family relocating due to father’s job transfer, and Nazli’s family celebrating a wedding – the chapter illustrates common types of family changes. It discusses how these changes affect daily routines, emotions, and family dynamics. The chapter also touches on important social issues like education and marriage age, emphasizing the importance of education for girls and the law against child marriage.

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अध्याय का सारांश (Hindi)

यह अध्याय “बदलते परिवार” समय के साथ परिवारों में होने वाले विभिन्न बदलावों की चर्चा करता है। तीन अलग-अलग कहानियों के माध्यम से – निम्मी के परिवार में नए बच्चे का आगमन, त्सेरिंग के परिवार का पिता के स्थानांतरण के कारण स्थानांतरण, और नाजली के परिवार में शादी का जश्न – अध्याय परिवार में होने वाले सामान्य बदलावों को दर्शाता है। यह बताता है कि कैसे ये बदलाव दैनिक दिनचर्या, भावनाओं और पारिवारिक गतिशीलता को प्रभावित करते हैं। अध्याय शिक्षा और विवाह की उम्र जैसे महत्वपूर्ण सामाजिक मुद्दों पर भी प्रकाश डालता है, लड़कियों की शिक्षा के महत्व और बाल विवाह के खिलाफ कानून पर जोर देता है।

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Word Meanings

Important Words from Chapter 9 – Changing Families
Sl English Word Hindi Meaning English Meaning
1 Arrival आगमन The act of reaching or coming to a place
2 Excitement उत्साह A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness
3 Transfer स्थानांतरण Moving from one place to another
4 Promotion पदोन्नति Advancement in rank or position
5 Wedding विवाह The ceremony of marriage
6 Neighbour पड़ोसी A person living near or next to another
7 Relatives रिश्तेदार People connected by blood or marriage
8 Changes परिवर्तन The process of becoming different
9 Generation पीढ़ी All people born and living at about the same time
10 Panchayat पंचायत Village council in India
11 Ceremony समारोह A formal event celebrating a particular occasion
12 Traditions परंपराएं Customs passed down from generation to generation
13 Family Tree वंश वृक्ष Diagram showing relationship between family members
14 Education शिक्षा Process of teaching and learning
15 Childhood बचपन The period of being a child
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Exercise Solutions

A. Look at the pictures and write

Q1. Who were the members of Nimmi’s family before the arrival of her baby sister?

Before the arrival of her baby sister, Nimmi’s family included:

  • Nimmi herself
  • Her father
  • Her mother
  • Her grandmother
  • Her uncle

Q2. How many members are there in Nimmi’s family now?

After the arrival of the new baby sister, there are now 6 members in Nimmi’s family. The new baby has added one more member to their family of five.

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Let us talk (About Nimmi’s family)

Q1. How do you think the lives of Nimmi’s family members have changed after the arrival of the new baby?

The arrival of the new baby has brought several changes in the family members’ daily routines:

For Nimmi:

  • She will help her mother in taking care of the baby
  • She will have to be quieter when the baby is sleeping
  • She will have a new responsibility as an elder sister
  • She might have to share her parents’ attention with the baby

For Nimmi’s mother:

  • She will spend most of her time caring for the newborn
  • She will have to feed the baby every few hours
  • She will need to pay attention to the baby’s health and hygiene
  • She might need to wake up several times during the night

For Nimmi’s father, grandmother, and uncle:

  • Father will help in taking care of both the baby and other family responsibilities
  • Grandmother will help the mother in baby care and household work
  • Uncle might help in running errands and taking Nimmi to school
  • Everyone will need to adjust their schedules according to the baby’s routine
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Looking Around (About new baby)

Q1. Has a small brother or sister been born in your home or in any house in your neighbourhood?

Yes, my neighbor Mrs. Sharma had a baby boy three months ago. It was a joyous occasion for their entire family, and we all celebrated the new arrival.

Q2. How does it feel to have a new baby at home?

Having a new baby at home brings a mix of emotions and experiences:

  • The house is filled with joy and excitement
  • Everyone feels more responsible and caring
  • There are new sounds of baby’s laughter and cries
  • The family becomes more active and busy
  • There’s a feeling of completeness and happiness

Q3. How have things changed at home with the new baby?

Several changes have occurred at home:

  • Daily routines have become more structured
  • The house is kept cleaner and more organized
  • Everyone speaks softly when the baby is sleeping
  • Family members spend more time at home
  • There are frequent visits from relatives and friends
  • New items like baby clothes, toys, and care products are added
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Find out all about the youngest child

Information about my baby cousin brother:

1. When was the baby born?
My baby cousin was born on 15th September 2023.

2. Is the baby a boy or a girl?
The baby is a boy.

3. How are you related to him or her?
He is my cousin brother – my father’s sister’s son.

4. Where was the baby born?
He was born at City Hospital in Delhi.

5. Who does the baby look like?
He looks like his father, especially his eyes and smile.

6. What is the colour of his or her hair?
He has black, soft hair.

7. What is the colour of his or her eyes?
He has dark brown eyes.

8. Does the baby have any teeth?
Not yet, he is only 3 months old.

9. What do we feed the baby with?
The baby is currently being breastfed by his mother.

10. What is the baby’s length?
The baby is 60 centimeters long.

11. How many hours a day does the baby sleep?
The baby sleeps about 16-17 hours a day, including short naps.

12. What different sounds does the baby make?
He makes various sounds like cooing, gurgling, and crying when hungry or uncomfortable.

13. Who does the baby stay with most of the time?
The baby stays with his mother most of the time.

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Let us talk (About Tsering’s family)

Q1. What will change in Tsering’s family after his father’s transfer?

Several aspects of Tsering’s family life will change:

  • They will move to a new city
  • They will live in a new house
  • Tsering will attend a new school
  • The family will need to adjust to a new environment
  • They might have to learn a new local language
  • They will make new friends and neighbors

Q2. Who from Tsering’s family will live with his father at the new place? Which school will Tsering go to now? Will he have new friends?

The entire family including Tsering, his mother, and siblings will likely move with his father to the new city. Tsering will have to join a new school in that city. Yes, he will definitely make new friends in his new school and neighborhood, though initially it might take some time to adjust.

Q3. Has anybody in your family moved to a new place because of work?

Yes, my uncle (father’s brother) moved from Delhi to Bangalore last year because he got a better job opportunity in an IT company.

Q4. What do you feel about this change?

Initially, I felt sad because we couldn’t meet my uncle’s family as frequently as before. However, now we can video call them regularly, and when they visit during holidays, it feels special. The change has been positive for them as my uncle has a better job and my cousins are learning new languages and experiencing a different culture.

About New Students

Q1. Is there anyone in your class or school who has come to your school from another place?

Yes, my classmate Riya joined our school last month. She moved from Mumbai to our city with her family.

Q2. Where has she or he come from?

Riya has come from Mumbai, Maharashtra, where she was studying in Grade 4 at ABC International School.

Q3. What was his or her old school like?

According to Riya, her old school in Mumbai was:

  • A big school with modern facilities
  • Had a large playground with different sports facilities
  • Conducted many cultural activities
  • Had smart classrooms with projectors
  • Students spoke mainly in English and Marathi

Q4. What does he or she find different here?

Riya finds several things different in our school:

  • The local language is different (Hindi is more commonly used)
  • The school timing is different (starts earlier than her previous school)
  • Different teaching methods and activities
  • New school traditions and culture
  • Different types of food available in the canteen

Q5. Does he or she like the change?

Yes, Riya is gradually adapting to the changes and likes many things about our school:

  • She has made new friends who help her
  • She enjoys learning Hindi from her classmates
  • She likes our school’s special activities and functions
  • She finds teachers very supportive and understanding

Let us talk (About Nazli’s family)

Q1. Do you think that there will be any change in Nazli’s family after this wedding? What will change?

Yes, there will be several changes in Nazli’s family after the wedding:

  • A new member (bride) will join their family
  • Family dynamics will change with the addition of a new person
  • Daily routines and responsibilities might be redistributed
  • The house will become more lively with a new family member
  • Family traditions might blend with new ones brought by the bride
  • Celebrations and festivals will become more enjoyable with a larger family

Q2. Do you think there will be changes in the home from where the new bride has come? What kind of changes?

Yes, there will be significant changes in the bride’s maternal home:

  • The family will miss their daughter’s presence
  • Daily routines will change as one family member leaves
  • Emotional adjustment for parents and siblings
  • Some responsibilities previously handled by the daughter will need to be redistributed
  • The family will have new relatives to consider during festivals and celebrations
  • They will have a new place to visit (their daughter’s new home)

About Marriage and Family

Q1. Talk to your mother and aunts in the family. Ask them about where they lived before they got married.

From talking to my mother and aunts, I learned:

  • My mother lived in Jaipur before marriage
  • My paternal aunt (Bua) lived in Agra
  • My maternal aunt (Maasi) lived in Lucknow

Q2. Who were the members in their families then?

The family members in their pre-marriage homes were:

Mother’s family:

  • Grandmother and Grandfather (my Nana-Nani)
  • Two brothers (my maternal uncles)
  • One sister (my Maasi)

Paternal Aunt’s (Bua’s) family:

  • My grandparents (Dada-Dadi)
  • My father
  • Two other brothers

Q3. Has anybody in your family been married recently? Who?

Yes, my cousin sister (father’s brother’s daughter) got married three months ago in a beautiful ceremony that brought all our relatives together.

About Wedding Customs

Q1. Talk to your classmates and write all about what happens during weddings in their families.

After talking to my classmates, I learned about various wedding customs:

  • Pre-wedding ceremonies like Mehendi, Sangeet, and Haldi
  • Religious ceremonies and rituals
  • Exchange of gifts between families
  • Traditional games between bride and groom’s families
  • Special decorations and arrangements
  • Family members performing special roles in ceremonies

Q2. What kind of special food is cooked?

Special wedding foods include:

  • Various types of paneer dishes
  • Different varieties of dal and pulses
  • Special rice preparations like pulao and biryani
  • Traditional sweets like ladoo, barfi, and gulab jamun
  • Multiple types of breads like naan, roti, and puri
  • Special drinks and beverages

Q3. What special clothes do the bride and bridegroom wear?

Bride’s Attire:

  • Beautiful red or pink wedding saree or lehenga
  • Traditional jewelry including necklaces, bangles, and rings
  • Special bridal makeup and mehendi
  • Traditional dupatta or veil

Groom’s Attire:

  • Traditional sherwani or suit
  • Turban or pagdi
  • Traditional accessories like stole and jewelry
  • Special footwear like mojaris

Q4. What kinds of songs and dances are performed at weddings?

Various traditional and modern performances take place:

  • Traditional folk songs and dances
  • Wedding-specific songs like wedding songs and shehnai
  • Modern Bollywood dance performances
  • Group dances during sangeet ceremony
  • Professional music performances
  • Family members’ special performances

Write down the reasons for these changes

Q1. In Nimmi’s family

The main reason for change in Nimmi’s family was the birth of her baby sister. This happy event:

  • Increased the family size by one member
  • Changed everyone’s daily routines
  • Created new responsibilities for family members
  • Brought more joy and excitement to the household

Q2. In Tsering’s family

The change in Tsering’s family occurred due to his father’s job transfer, which led to:

  • Relocation to a new city
  • Change of school and environment
  • Adjustment to a new neighborhood
  • Making new friends and social connections
  • Learning to adapt to a different lifestyle

Q3. In Nazli’s family

The change in Nazli’s family happened because of her elder cousin brother’s wedding, resulting in:

  • Addition of a new family member (bride)
  • New relationships and family bonds
  • Changes in household dynamics
  • Sharing of new traditions and customs

Q4. There can be many reasons for changes in families. Can you think of some more reasons?

Yes, here are some other reasons that can bring changes in families:

  • Education – when children go to different cities for studies
  • Career opportunities – when family members move for better jobs
  • Health reasons – when someone needs special medical care
  • Business expansion – when family needs to relocate for business
  • Retirement – when parents retire and move to a different place
  • Family reunions – when separated family members come together
  • Moving to a bigger house – when family needs more space

Family History Questions

Survey of Three Families About Changes Over Time
Questions Our Family Friend’s Family Neighbour’s Family
Since how many years has your family been staying here? 15 years 8 years 20 years
Where did your family live before coming here? Jaipur Mumbai Chennai
How many members are there in your family today? 5 members 4 members 6 members
How many members were there in your family 10 years ago? 4 members 3 members 8 members
What were the reasons for the changes in your family in the last 10 years? Birth of younger sister Marriage of elder brother Children moved out for jobs
How do you feel about all these changes? Happy with the changes Miss joint family sometimes Proud of children’s success
What problems do you face with changes in technology? Learning new apps and devices Adapting to online payments Missing personal interactions

My Family – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Q1. Can you tell in what ways the family tree of your grandmother or grandfather in their childhood is different from your family tree today?

The family trees show several differences:

  • Size of Family:
    • Grandparents’ time: Large joint families with many siblings
    • Today: Smaller nuclear families with fewer children
  • Living Arrangements:
    • Then: Multiple generations lived together
    • Now: Often separate homes for each nuclear family
  • Family Structure:
    • Then: More hierarchical and traditional
    • Now: More flexible and modern
  • Geographic Spread:
    • Then: Most family members lived in same village/town
    • Now: Family members spread across different cities/countries

Going Back to School

Q1. Upto which class do you want to study?

I want to study at least until post-graduation (after completing Class 12) because education is very important for a successful future. I want to become a doctor, so I will need to study for many years.

Q2. Upto which class have your parents studied?

My father has completed his M.Tech in Engineering, and my mother has done her B.Ed and teaches at a school. Both my parents believe strongly in the value of education.

Q3. Till which class did your grandmother get a chance to study?

My grandmother studied until Class 8. In her time, many girls didn’t get the opportunity to study further as education facilities were limited, especially for girls.

Q4. At what age did your grandmother get married?

My grandmother got married at the age of 19 years. This was considered normal in those days, though now we know that one should complete their education before marriage.

Q5. Have you heard of a Law that talks about the ages before which girls and boys must not get married?

Yes, according to the law in India:

  • Girls must not get married before 18 years of age
  • Boys must not get married before 21 years of age
  • Child marriage is illegal and punishable by law
  • This law helps ensure that children complete their education
  • It protects children from the harmful effects of early marriage

Find out and write

Q1. Are there any such children in your neighbourhood who had to drop out of school? Do they want to go back to school?

Yes, our maid’s daughter had to drop out of school last year due to financial problems. She really wants to go back to school and continue her education. My parents are helping her family find resources and scholarships so she can resume her studies.

Q2. What are they doing these days?

Currently, she helps her mother with housework and is also learning stitching at a local center. However, she spends her free time reading books and maintaining her academic skills, hoping to return to school soon.

Q3. Has anybody in your family got married recently? Who?

Yes, my cousin sister (father’s brother’s daughter) got married three months ago in December 2023. It was a beautiful ceremony that brought our entire family together.

Q4. What was the age of bride and the groom?

The bride (my cousin) is 25 years old and has completed her MBA. The groom is 27 years old and works as a software engineer. They both completed their education and started their careers before getting married.

Q5. What kind of dresses they wore?


  • Red and gold wedding lehenga for the main ceremony
  • Pink silk saree for reception
  • Yellow suit for haldi ceremony
  • Green lehenga for mehendi function


  • Cream-colored sherwani with golden work for wedding
  • Black tuxedo for reception
  • Yellow kurta pajama for haldi
  • Blue blazer with trousers for engagement

Q6. What kind of dishes were there? Name them.

The wedding featured a variety of delicious dishes:

  • Main Course:
    • Paneer Butter Masala
    • Vegetable Biryani
    • Dal Makhani
    • Mixed Vegetable Curry
  • Breads:
    • Butter Naan
    • Missi Roti
    • Lachha Paratha
  • Desserts:
    • Gulab Jamun
    • Ice Cream
    • Ras Malai

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