The Valley of Flowers Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

The Valley of Flowers – Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

Explore the solutions for The Valley of Flowers, Class 4 EVS NCERT. This chapter takes us on a beautiful journey to understand the diversity of flowers, their uses, and importance in our lives. Students will learn about different types of flowers, their blooming patterns, and various ways they contribute to our daily lives. The chapter also teaches important environmental values about preserving nature and not plucking flowers unnecessarily.

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Chapter Summary (English)

The Valley of Flowers, located in Uttarakhand, is a breathtaking place where various colorful flowers bloom for a few weeks each year. The chapter explores different aspects of flowers including their types, uses in daily life, cultural significance, and commercial importance. It discusses how flowers grow on different plants, their blooming patterns, and various uses in food, medicine, and decoration. The chapter also touches upon traditional art forms like Madhubani paintings and the flower-based industries like perfume making in Kannauj.

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अध्याय सारांश (Hindi)

उत्तराखंड में स्थित फूलों की घाटी एक अद्भुत स्थान है जहाँ वर्ष में कुछ सप्ताह के लिए विभिन्न रंगों के फूल खिलते हैं। यह अध्याय फूलों के विभिन्न पहलुओं की खोज करता है, जिसमें उनके प्रकार, दैनिक जीवन में उपयोग, सांस्कृतिक महत्व और व्यावसायिक महत्व शामिल हैं। यह फूलों के विभिन्न पौधों पर उगने, उनके खिलने के पैटर्न और भोजन, दवा और सजावट में विभिन्न उपयोगों पर चर्चा करता है। अध्याय मधुबनी चित्रकला जैसी पारंपरिक कला और कन्नौज में इत्र निर्माण जैसे फूल-आधारित उद्योगों को भी छूता है।

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Word Meanings

Important Words and Their Meanings from Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers
Sl English Word Hindi Meaning English Meaning
1 Valley घाटी A low area between hills or mountains
2 Blooming खिलना Flowering or being in flower
3 Peeping झाँकना Looking out or emerging from somewhere
4 Carpeted बिछा हुआ Covered completely like a carpet
5 Madhubani मधुबनी A folk art style from Bihar
6 Bouquet गुलदस्ता An arranged bunch of flowers
7 Garland माला A wreath of flowers worn around neck
8 Petals पंखुड़ियाँ Colored parts of a flower
9 Scent सुगंध Pleasant smell
10 Itr इत्र Natural perfume
11 Bud कली An unopened flower
12 Chutney चटनी A spicy condiment
13 Glycerine ग्लिसरीन A sweet, colorless liquid used in cosmetics
14 Turmeric हल्दी A yellow spice used in cooking
15 Courtyard आँगन An open area surrounded by walls
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Exercise Solutions

Initial Questions

1. Have you ever seen so many flowers grow together anywhere? Where?

Yes, I have seen many flowers growing together in several places. In my school garden, there is a beautiful flower bed where different colored marigolds and roses grow together. I have also seen a large field of sunflowers in my grandmother’s village during the spring season. The most impressive display I’ve seen was in a local botanical garden where hundreds of different flowers bloom together in designated areas.

2. How many differently coloured flowers have you seen?

I have seen flowers in many different colors. The main colors I have observed are:

  • Red (roses, hibiscus)
  • Yellow (sunflowers, marigolds)
  • White (jasmine, lily)
  • Pink (lotus, bougainvillea)
  • Purple (lavender, morning glory)
  • Orange (marigold, lantana)
  • Blue (blue bells, morning glory)

3. Write their colours.

Based on my observations, here are some common flower colors:

  • Rose: Red, Pink, White, Yellow
  • Marigold: Orange, Yellow
  • Lotus: Pink, White
  • Sunflower: Yellow
  • Lily: White, Orange
  • Jasmine: White
  • Morning Glory: Blue, Purple
  • Hibiscus: Red, Orange
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The World of Flowers

1. Name two flowers that grow on trees:

  • Gulmohar
  • Palash (Flame of the Forest)

2. Name two flowers that grow on bushes:

  • Rose
  • Hibiscus

3. Name two flowers that grow on creepers:

  • Morning Glory
  • Madhumalti

4. Name two flowers that grow on water plants:

  • Lotus
  • Water Lily

5. Name two flowers that bloom only at night:

  • Night Queen (Raat ki Rani)
  • Moon Flower

6. Name two flowers that bloom in the day and close at night:

  • Water Lily
  • Portulaca (Time Flower)
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Additional Questions

1. Which flowers can you recognize by their scent?

I can recognize several flowers by their distinct fragrances:

  • Jasmine (Chameli) – Sweet and intense fragrance
  • Rose – Rich, romantic scent
  • Night Queen (Raat ki Rani) – Strong evening fragrance
  • Mogra – Sweet and delicate scent

2. Which flowers bloom all the year round?

Some flowers that bloom throughout the year include:

  • Marigold
  • Hibiscus
  • Bougainvillea
  • Garden Rose

3. Are there any trees or plants which never have flowers?

Yes, there are plants that don’t produce flowers. These include:

  • Ferns
  • Moss
  • Pine trees (they have cones instead of flowers)
  • Many types of indoor plants like some varieties of money plant
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Why This?

1. Have you ever seen a board like “DO NOT PLUCK FLOWERS” put up anywhere?

Yes, I have seen such boards in many places including:

  • Public gardens and parks
  • School gardens
  • Botanical gardens
  • Housing society gardens

2. Do people pluck flowers even when this board is there?

Yes, unfortunately, some people still pluck flowers despite the warning boards. They often do this to take flowers home or make garlands, ignoring the importance of preserving nature.

3. Why do you think they do this?

People pluck flowers for various reasons:

  • To use them for worship or religious purposes
  • For decoration at home
  • To enjoy their beauty and fragrance
  • Sometimes children pluck them out of curiosity or for play
  • Due to lack of awareness about environmental conservation

4. Should they do this?

No, they should not pluck flowers unnecessarily because:

  • It damages the plants and prevents them from producing seeds
  • It reduces the beauty of public spaces
  • It disturbs the ecosystem as flowers are important for bees and butterflies
  • It sets a bad example for others, especially children

5. What would happen if everybody plucked flowers?

If everyone started plucking flowers, several problems would arise:

  • Gardens and parks would lose their beauty
  • Plants would not be able to produce seeds, affecting their reproduction
  • Insects like bees and butterflies would lose their food source
  • The natural ecosystem would be disturbed
  • Future generations might not get to see certain flower varieties
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Let Us Look Closely

For this activity, I examined a marigold flower and here are my observations:

1. What is the colour of the flower?

The marigold flower is bright orange with yellow highlights.

2. What kind of scent does it have?

It has a strong, distinct aromatic smell that is slightly pungent but pleasant.

3. What does it look like?

The marigold looks like a round brush with many layers of small, delicate petals arranged in circular patterns.

4. Do these flowers grow in bunches?

Yes, marigolds typically grow in bunches on the same plant, with multiple flower heads blooming together.

5. How many petals does it have?

The marigold has numerous petals – I counted approximately 50-60 petals in multiple layers.

6. Are all the petals joined together or separate?

The petals are separate but arranged in tight, overlapping layers.

7. Outside the petals, can you see any green leafy structure? How many are there?

Yes, there are small green sepals at the base of the flower forming a cup-like structure that holds the petals together.

8. Inside the petals, in the middle of the flower, can you see some thin structures? Write its colour.

Yes, in the center there are tiny yellow-orange structures called florets.

9. When you touch these, do you find a powdery thing on your hands?

Yes, when touched gently, some yellow pollen powder comes off on my fingers.

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Blooming Buds

1. What differences do you find between a flower and a bud?

The differences I observed between a flower and a bud are:

  • Size: Buds are smaller and compact, while flowers are larger and open
  • Shape: Buds are oval or pointed, flowers are spread out
  • Color: Buds are often greener, flowers show their true colors
  • Petals: In buds, petals are tightly closed; in flowers, they are open and visible
  • Fragrance: Buds have little scent, while flowers release strong fragrance

2. How many days will a bud take to bloom into a flower?

Based on my observation of a rose plant:

  • First day: Small green bud visible
  • After 3-4 days: Bud grows larger, color starts showing
  • After 5-6 days: Bud starts opening slightly
  • After 7-8 days: Flower starts blooming
  • By day 10: Fully bloomed flower

3. Time taken by different flowers to bloom

Different flowers take varying times to bloom:

  • Marigold: 5-7 days
  • Rose: 7-10 days
  • Jasmine: 4-5 days
  • Sunflower: 8-12 days

4. Days taken for flower to dry

After full bloom, flowers typically take:

  • Rose: 4-5 days to dry
  • Marigold: 5-6 days to dry
  • Jasmine: 1-2 days to dry
  • Lotus: 2-3 days to dry
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So Many Uses!

1. Are flowers cooked in your home as a dry vegetable, gravy dish or chutney?

Yes, in my home we cook several flowers as vegetables:

  • Banana flowers are made into dry vegetable curry
  • Pumpkin flowers are used in pakoras
  • Moringa (Sahjan) flowers are cooked as a vegetable
  • Kachnar flowers are made into a special curry

2. Find out names of two flowers used for making medicines

  • Calendula (Pot Marigold): Used for skin healing and inflammation
  • Chamomile: Used for relaxation and better sleep
  • Rose: Used in eye drops and skin care
  • Hibiscus: Used for hair care and fever reduction

3. How is rose water used in your house?

Rose water has multiple uses in our house:

  • In cooking to flavor sweet dishes
  • As a natural skin toner
  • In religious ceremonies
  • To make refreshing summer drinks
  • As a natural room freshener
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Colors and Scents from Flowers

1. Find out names of flowers used for making colors

Several flowers are used to make natural colors:

  • Marigold: Yellow and orange colors
  • Rose: Pink and red colors
  • Indigo: Blue color
  • Hibiscus: Red color
  • Palash: Orange-red color

2. Can you think of a color of which there is no flower?

Yes, some colors are rare or not found in flowers:

  • Pure black (though there are very dark purple flowers)
  • Metallic colors like gold and silver
  • Fluorescent colors

3. Write names of flowers used to make scents

Common flowers used for making scents include:

  • Rose: For rose water and perfumes
  • Jasmine: For essential oils and perfumes
  • Lavender: For aromatherapy and fragrances
  • Champa: For traditional attars
  • Kewra: For flavoring and fragrance
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Other Uses and Cultural Significance

1. Do you know when such songs (about flowers) are sung?

Flower songs are sung on various occasions:

  • During wedding ceremonies
  • In spring festivals like Holi
  • During harvest festivals
  • In traditional folk celebrations
  • During religious ceremonies

2. Are any special flowers used on certain occasions/festivals by your elders?

Flowers Used in Different Occasions
Occasion/Festival Flowers Used
Diwali Marigold, Lotus
Wedding Rose, Jasmine, Marigold
Ganesh Chaturthi Hibiscus, Lotus
Puja/Temple Champa, Lotus, Rose
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Let Us Know Some More

1. What are the different forms in which flower-sellers sell their flowers?

  • Loose flowers in baskets
  • Garlands and wreaths
  • Bouquets and arrangements
  • Flower strings for hair decoration
  • Individual stems (especially for roses)

2. Where do they bring these flowers from?

Flower sellers typically source their flowers from:

  • Local flower farms and gardens
  • Wholesale flower markets
  • Their own small garden plots
  • Nearby villages and farms
  • Flower growing cooperatives

3. Why do people buy flowers?

People buy flowers for various purposes:

  • Religious ceremonies and temple offerings
  • Decoration during festivals and events
  • Wedding decorations and ceremonies
  • Gifting on special occasions
  • Home decoration
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Let Us Do This Activity

Activity Instructions for Collecting and Pressing Flowers:

  1. Collect fallen flowers from different plants
  2. Place them carefully between newspaper sheets
  3. Ensure flowers don’t overlap or touch each other
  4. Place heavy books on top for pressing
  5. Leave for 10-15 days in a dry place
  6. Carefully remove dried flowers
  7. Use them to create cards or a scrapbook

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